The Segovia Viaduct in the heart of Madrid is a handsome-looking bridge that helped to join the city where there was once a large geographic gap; and yet from practically the first day it opened back in 1874, it also served as one of the most popular places for people to commit suicide, Not until fairly recently has this grim secondary use been more or less brought under control. Today it is a popular way for both tourists and locals to move about the downtown. It’s dark past has not been easily forgotten. Listen and…try to enjoy!
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It’s the 11th Century and the situation in the Iberian Peninsula is as chaotic and uncertain as ever. Power struggles, civil wars, fratricide, invasions;...
The Moors managed to conquer most of the Iberian Peninsula in a relatively short time. But for the first few decades, that dominance was...
The coat of arms of the city of Avila has the curious image of a young king in a kind of castle/church. As you...